Logistics and order picking
In the right place and at the right time. You need information, and you need it to arrive on time. ims delivers each freely available title to you in a quick and reliable way, thanks to a comprehensive logistics network covering Germany and other countries.
Our skills
We move knowledge, straight from publishing houses around the world to your computer (or actual) desktop. It does not matter whether the delivery destination is your office, your desktop PC or your tablet computer. The important thing for us is that you receive all the requested information punctually and where you need it to be.
We have access, as a subsidiary of Mediengruppe Stein GmbH, to one of Europe’s largest logistics networks. We develop individual supply concepts, with guaranteed delivery times certified to ISO 9001 quality standards. ims uses a total of 19 logistics sites to deliver throughout Germany, from as early as 4:30 a.m. and up to three times daily. We deliver all items ourselves, without using other suppliers for this purpose. We deal immediately with missing items and customer complaints and despatch replacements on the same day. We can even deal at short notice with changes to order quantities and delivery addresses.
Current newspapers and periodicals, along with foreign publications and books, are grouped according to your requirements, and may be despatched with labels, wrappers and delivery notes as required – and sorted by department, cost centre and courier depot – sent straight to the addressee’s desktop.
We will be pleased to advise you accordingly. Just call us.
Getting in touch

We use our 19 own logistics sites to supply customers throughout Germany, from as early as 4:30 a.m. and up to three times daily.
The advantages of using ims logistics
Then please call us directly!
Rüdiger Voth
Head of Logistics
E-Mail: ruediger.voth@mediengruppe-stein.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 151 541 88 641